Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Grade 2 Science Project

   Every year the second grade make dioramas, along with a report about what their dioramas are about. When the kids are done with their projects and reports they put them on display in a classroom for other people to come and see. This project helped the children learn by reading their reports and explaining the dioramas they had on display. The projects are made of large shoe boxes. The students were expected to add materials to the dioramas to depict the animals environment, such as trees, rocks, ponds and other landscape-like materials.
    Each student has to write a report about their animal. The report has to be handwritten and the student has to be able to read and answer any questions about the project. The report has to include a picture of the animal and is must tell where the animal lives, what it eats, how it gets its food, and what group it belongs to.

By: Marc H and Taylor R

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